Memories and Wake-Up Calls

The week has been incredibly busy already. It is report card time at work, so evenings are even more jam-packed once the boys are in bed than usual. Homework is cranking up, and I am sure the stores are getting further away from my house every time I need something I forgot to get during the weekly shop. Yet, even though I am rushed off my feet, I stopped to take in something; this was something I had not taken the time to think about for a while, seeing it again stopped me in my tracks. You see, I was going through old files on my portable hard drive and I found memories….many wonderful, meaningful memories from my children’s early days. Continue reading

Weekend Activities for the Kids

Working all week, I often felt frustrated by the activities for children offered on weekdays but not on the weekends.  For nine years I have seen wonderful learning opportunities, cleverly disguised as fun and playtime, at museums, sports centers and libraries.  My town has a wonderful Mommy group, but they meet during the week and I am not a part of it …I work!

Of course this issue has lessened as my children have grown and moved into grade school.  I have a whole new host of things I have to work around, but I certainly do not feel the loneliness I used to of mothering without peers meeting up with me at this session, or that session, to talk about the woes and joys of diapering!

Having peers with whom to share things is a part of a healthy life-style.  It helps one reason out those moments when nothing you do seems right.  A quick chat with another mom of a toddler and, voila, you realize it is very normal and your self-esteem is given the boost it so badly needs.

So I have been on the hunt for activities held on the weekends.  As it is very cold here in the Northeast, I have been focusing on indoor pastimes.  Here is a great idea for those in close proximity to Stamford, CT.  Get out and get together girls!  It is good for the mind and soul, even if we just want to collapse at the weekend and not drag our butts out in the cold!

Winter Storycraft @ Ferguson Library Main Branch

Ages 31/2 -8

Saturday, January 21 at 11am -12pm


Winter Storycraft

Contact:    203 351-8242

Saturday, January 21 at 11 a.m.

Main Library Third Floor Auditorium

Cozy winter stories and a snow measuring stick craft. Ages 3 ½ to 8.


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