Green Spring Clean Giveaway Hop -Win Gift Cards!

Join Us as Winter Ends and Go Green in Your Spring Cleaning! Read more to hear about the fabulous giveaways…

Every year when the sun comes out of hiding and the snow begins to melt, we get this overwhelming urge to, well, clean!

Spring Cleaning is a “tradition” in many households, but have you ever thought about all of the chemicals in the household cleaners you use to get that shiny countertop and lemony-fresh bathroom? We challenge you to more “Green” this year with eco-friendly, non-toxic household cleaners that will not only lessen your impact on the environment, but can increase your health by decreasing your exposure to harmful chemicals and increasing your indoor air quality!

Happy Mothering and SAPsMaMa are excited to bring your the Green Spring Clean Giveaway Hop! Participating in this event is a great opportunity to gain new followers, increase traffic to your blog and network with other bloggers, especially if you enjoy sharing eco-friendly and green products and topics on your blog!

We are ready and raring to go with fantastic prizes:

One lucky winner will win a $25 Visa Gift Card

The second prize winner will win a $20 Barnes and Noble Gift Card

You can use these prizes to buy green products for your house…any of your choosing rather than my gift card influencing your decision, or buy books on how to lead a greener life and clean you house without toxic chemicals. Of course, you may chose to use the gift cards another way…such flexibility!
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97 comments on “Green Spring Clean Giveaway Hop -Win Gift Cards!

  1. We recycle, we compost, we use cloth diapers and wipes, we use cloth towels instead of paper, and we are moving towards “family” cloth.
    We also grow our own veggies!

  2. I used Eco Friendly cleaning products and laundry detergent. We recycle everything we can. Thanks for the giveaway!

    katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. We are eco friendly b/c we use cloth diapers and cloth wipes, cloth napkins and towels (no paper towels in this house) and we are trying to switch over to eco friendly cleaners and detergents and soaps

  4. we have a compost pile which we use daily. we recycle any thing we can and find a use for things instead of throwing them out

  5. Recycling.
    We keep the thermostat down in winter/up in summer as much as possible.
    I’m always telling my daughters to ‘turn off the lights!’
    We use our own (reusable) bags as much as possible when shopping.

  6. We recycle and compost. My husband (a retired sp.ed.teacher)has also just started a small recycling/shredding business that hires his former special needs students and other developmentally delayed members of our community.

  7. Recycle.
    Natural cleaning products.
    Cloth menstural pads.
    Natural laundry soap. Also an HE washer and dryer
    Natural dish soap.
    Lights off when not in use.
    Buy natural and organic foods.
    Start composting this summer.
    Buying local as can.
    Natural personal care.
    Use natural paint when doing the inside of our home.

  8. We try to buy items with less packaging and to use reusable bags whenever possible. There are other things, too, but those are some of the easier things to do… and if you start there, then you can add the rest gradually.

  9. Thanks for a great giveaway! My home is Eco friendly because I make my own all natural cleaners, and re-purpose everything instead of throwing it away.
    Angela Michels
    lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

  10. The biggest thing I do is I only cool the 2 rooms I use the most in summer, and I don’t heat in winter except a space heater in the bath.

  11. We recycle everything that is allowed! The kids love to do it and know we are doing our part to save the earth and its resources. we also support farmers markets and green cleaning materials

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  13. I try to make as many homemade cleaners that I can. We also have a compost pile and recycle either to a location or items into something new.

  14. We recycle, try to re-use things, buy from yard sales and consignment (rather than new), live in a small space, and try to buy local and organic.

  15. we recycle our plastic, cardboard, paper and glass. i separate them because we dont have curbside, we have to take them to the individual places. we dont buy pop, we have a soda stream. we use our own bags for the grocery store and try to buy products packaged in recycled packaging. we buy green cleaners, and always buy natural and organic when we can.
    thanks for the great giveaway! i know there is more we can do, we are working on it one step at a time!

  16. we’re very green in our home: we use natural cleaners, compost, recycle, cloth diaper, use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances

  17. I recycle; try to buy things with eco-friendly or very little packaging; buy used books, cds, etc.;
    have started replacing my cleaning products with natural or home-made substitutes; line dry; and try to only use re-useable containers, napkins, bottles, etc. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Recycle! And we use reusable grocery bags. Lately I have been working on preparing craft projects for my nieces and nephews using recycled items from around the house 🙂

  19. We are part of a neighborhood recycle program. We are supplied the boxes for recycling and then we have a bi weekly pickup.

  20. We don’t have recycling in our community, but I take all paper to the library where they have a paper dumpster and plastic bags to the grocery store. I am also changing to Green products.

  21. We are ecofriendly in everything we do. Our newest change is our bunny in our home, and we use our mail shredded up in his litter box instead of throwing our junk mail away. we also will compost his droppings. That’s just our newest changes for going green!

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